Why Do We Memorize?

March 25, 2018

The goal of the National Bible Bee is to see God’s Word implanted in the hearts of young people. Whether it is one verse or hundreds, Scripture has an eternal impact. The task of memorizing can be daunting, though. Delie Moss, 2015 National Bible Bee Competition winner, offers the following tips for memorization.

“Scripture memorization is a discipline for all believers, and your own ability will probably surprise you if you are willing to invest time and energy.

However, the fact that memorization is for everyone does not mean that a certain method is for everyone. Some draw pictures of the passages, put them to music, write the verses over and over again, or use the loci method. I prefer reading the passage a few times and then working line by line until it is perfect. It may sound boring compared to other methods, but the exciting thing is the Word itself.

As you experiment with methods, you should also think about time. Do you memorize best first thing in the morning, at meals, mid-afternoon, or just before falling asleep? Make the most of that window of time, and take advantage of moments all throughout the day to hide more Scripture in your heart (see Deut. 6:7).

Lastly, remember why you’re doing this. Approach God’s Word with wonder and amazement, learning to pray like the psalmist, ‘My heart stands in awe of your words’ (Ps. 119:161 ESV).”

While getting the passages wordperfect is an admirable goal, the true treasure is found when we open ourselves up to the Scriptures. Learn how you can get involved with the study and memorization of God’s Word at biblebee.org/summer-study.

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