Congratulations to all National Bible Bee (NBB) participants who have made it over half-way through the Summer Study! God’s Word is so precious, and all the time you have spent and will spend this summer studying is having an eternal impact on your life even now. This...
What Does it Mean to be Redeemed?
According to Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary, 'redeemed' means the following: "Ransomed; delivered from bondage, distress, penalty, liability, or from the possession of another, by paying an equivalent." A few other meanings from the more modern Merriam-Webster's...
The Attributes of God: Truth
In a world full of uncertainty and confusion, truth can seem as though it's buried and hidden. People often call right wrong, and wrong right. If we aren’t firmly rooted in the truth, we can be easily swayed by Satan’s lies. That’s why Scripture emphasizes the...
The Promises of God: Eternal Life
1 John 2:25 states, “And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.” Eternal life is a promise God has made to us as Christians. Like all His other promises, it’s something that we can count on, rely upon, and trust in. Later in 1 John 5:13 it...
Why Should I Sign Up for the Summer Study?
Are you looking for something to do this summer? Maybe you’re wondering how you can best spend those months productively. Or perhaps you have a packed summer planned, and you want to make sure that in the midst of the chaos you’re spending time in the Word of God....
The Attributes of God: Faithfulness
The aspect of God’s character, His faithfulness, is evident in all the world around us and can be seen in our lives each and every day. Looking back on how God has been faithful in the past, we can be encouraged knowing that God will continue to be faithful in our...
The Promises of God: Comfort
In a world that is constantly changing, we can long for a sense of familiarity. It doesn’t take long before the weights of this world can heap discouragement upon us if we let it. The desire for comfort in affliction throughout our world is real, and it was created to...