Who and What is Truth, and What Does it Mean for Our Lives?

April 10, 2024

“What is Truth?” (John 18:38)

This question, spoken by Pontius Pilate as he interrogated Jesus, is one that still stumps the world today.

Easton’s Bible Dictionary and Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words define truth in this way: “the reality lying at the basis of an appearance; the manifested, veritable essence of a matter,” “things conforming to reality” and, “that which is opposed to falsehood.”

Truth is mentioned many times throughout the Scriptures, and is often associated with faithfulness and fidelity. God is truth, the Bible is built on truth, His ways are truth, and when we follow His ways, we walk in truth. Truth is concrete, and never changes.

The concept of truth is one that is found many times in the writings of John the apostle. The Greek word aletheia, from which “truth” is translated, is mentioned over 25 times in the book of John alone, and is used multiple times throughout his epistles.

Through the Bible, we read that truth is not only ethical, but the essence of who God is, the foundation of the Scriptures, and an important part of our lives as believers. The Bible clearly lays out the concept of truth for us and shows us who and what truth is and what it means for our lives.

God the Father is Truth

God is truth, and in Him there are no lies or falsehood. The prophet Isaiah refers to the Lord as “the God of truth” (Isaiah 65:16), and His Son is a witness to His truth and was sent into the world in order “to show God’s truthfulness” (Romans 15:8). The Bible is full of God’s promises, and He cannot break them, for that is not His nature. God is not only of the truth, but He is the truth.

Jesus Christ is Truth

Jesus also is described throughout the New Testament as truth. For Christ to be truth attests even more so to his deity as the God-man. He is mentioned in John’s writings as the Word, full of truth, which is known to the world through Him (John 1:14, 17). Many know John 14:6, a verse in which Jesus reveals himself as “the way, and the truth, and the life.” Paul also makes this point of Christ being the truth and shares in the book of Ephesians that “the truth is in Jesus” (Eph 4:21).

The Holy Spirit is Truth

In John 14-16, the Holy Spirit is mentioned as the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit leads us, guides us, bears witness on our account (John 15:26; 16:13), and this is all done in truth and by truth. John mentions this in his epistles as well, stating that “the Spirit is truth” (1 John 5:6) and that we can decipher what is true by knowing the Spirit of Truth (1 John 4:1-5).

Jesus states that “You know him [the Spirit of Truth], for he dwells with you and will be in you” (John 14:17). We can do nothing on our own, but we have a Helper sent from God, who guides us into all truth (John 16:13).

The Scripture is Truth

In John 17:17, Jesus prays to the Lord for his disciples and asks that He “sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” The Bible is truth, and this is why we can test things against the Word of God to learn what is true or untrue. If something contradicts the Scriptures, it is not truth, but falsehood and deception. Even the enemy knows the power of the truth of God’s Word and importance of Scripture, as he tries to quote it to his advantage and twists it to tempt Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4).

“All Scripture is breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3:16) and within it is contained “the truth of the gospel” (Galatians 2:5). We can read God’s Word and rest assured that His own Word and truth is conveyed to us. This is why we as Christians can be grounded in His Word and have comfort that He will fulfill what He has spoken.

We are of the Truth

Through God’s gift of salvation and due to Christ’s death on the cross to redeem us, we can also be of the truth. Those who have confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are repeatedly mentioned in exhortations to be of the truth throughout the New Testament. Jesus asks that His Father sanctify His disciples and believers in the world through truth (John 17), and states that “everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37). 

We are to live in Truth and conduct ourselves in Truth, because as Christians, we are to strive to become more like Christ, who is Truth. We are to arm ourselves with the word of truth and share it with others. We are to live, walk, and worship in truth (John 4:24). Paul exhorted Timothy to be of the truth, saying in 2 Timothy 2:15, Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Though we cannot even come close to being of the truth on the same level that God is, we must strive to be of the truth, and the Holy Spirit is with us, guiding us towards the truth as we grow closer to the Lord. 

Truth is not just ethical, but “truth” is embodied in God; Jesus was the perfect expression of the truth. He is the truth.

Praise the Lord for His Word and truth, and may we learn more about His truth through this year’s study and strive to be of the truth!

Written by NBB Alumna: Emma Fernandez

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