The Impact of Scripture: Interviews with Semi-Finalists

November 3, 2020

On November 9th, 45 contestants of the National Bible Bee will gather together to compete in the Semi-Final rounds. These contestants are the 15 top qualifiers from each division: Seniors, Juniors, and Primaries. They have spent countless hours of hard work in memorizing and studying the Bible. 

Recently, members of the National Bible Bee Alumni Service Team have interviewed a handful of these semi-finalist contestants to get to know them better. Here is a look at some of their questions and answers:

Why do you love to study and memorize God’s Word?

Anabel shared, “I love memorizing God’s Word because it teaches me how to walk in God’s ways. Memorizing and meditating on Bible verses encourages me to do things that please the Lord.” 

Titus, who has competed 8 years in the National Bible Bee, answered, “Memorizing so much Scripture over the years has greatly impacted my life in many positive ways. It keeps me from sinning against the Lord, and it encourages my heart when I need to be reminded of His promises.”

Josephine said she loves studying and memorizing God’s Word because “whenever I need help, the verses help me remember God’s Word.”

What did you learn from studying John 16-21 during the National Bible Bee Competition?

“I loved studying John 16-21,” Ginger shares, who also loves playing the fiddle, “because seeing how Jesus obeyed His Father and sought to glorify Him helps me want to do the same.”

Abigail L., who enjoys participating in speech and debate, said, “At the time, Jesus’ death might have seemed like the lowest point of the lives of those who loved Him, but God was really using it to accomplish the greatest victory in history. We can always trust God that He has a purpose for everything, even if He allows events to happen that seem pointless and terrible. I am also in awe of how much submission and humility Jesus showed in obeying His Father’s will even to death on a cross. It is the ultimate example of obedience to God.”

Julie Pan in Texas said, “My favorite verse from the fall study of John 16-21 is John 16:33: ‘I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart, I have overcome the world.’ I like this verse because it reminds me that even in this sinful world, Jesus is still in control of all things, including the pandemic”

“God has been reminding me to trust in His love and grace through our study of John 16-21 this fall,” Madison shares, “In John 16 & 17, as Jesus prepares his disciples for all that is to come, warning and encouraging and comforting them, we are given a beautiful picture of His concern for us. Jesus’s gentleness, submissiveness to the Father’s will, and focus on others in chapters 18 & 19 are an unforgettable exhibition of the selfless love He has for us. And the grace He shows the disciples in chapters 20 & 21 convince me of the grace He still shows us today.”

Why do you love the National Bible Bee and how has it impacted your life?

Lousia has competed for 8 years and loves to climb sand dunes, and she said, “One of the biggest reasons why I love the National Bible Bee is because it connects you with other young people from around the country who also love studying and memorizing Scripture. The relationships I’ve formed through BB are some of my deepest and strongest, because we have the most important thing in common —  a love for God’s Word!” 

“I love the National Bible Bee because it has challenged me to dive more deeply into God’s Word than I ever would have done on my own,” Amy from New York shares, “It also introduced me into so many Bible study skills that are invaluable for the rest of my life. AND an added bonus is the wonderful friendships I’ve made through it!”

Matthew shared that he loves the National Bible Bee because he “enjoys learning about God” and “the other contestants in the NBBC are super nice and encouraging.” 

Hudson from Iowa shared that he loves the National Bible Bee because of “the competition factor. Also, the National Bible Bee has taught me discipline and how to study God’s Word. Even if you don’t win it is well worth it if you apply what you learn.” 

Oliva, who has competed for 10 years and is in her final year, said, “The National Bible Bee is without question the best way I could have spent my childhood. It has taught me so many valuable lessons: how to persevere through something hard, how to deal with stress, how to manage my time, how to sacrifice momentary preferences for long-term goals, how to be a good sport, how to acknowledge my weakness, how to depend on God, and how to value God’s Word. The NBB has completely revolutionized the way I think and how I view Scripture. Before my first year in 2010, I knew that studying the Bible was important, but I thought of it as drudgery and something I had to do. But after ten summers and falls of participating in the NBB, God’s Word has become a central part of my daily life rather than an intrusion into it. I’ve learned that the Bible is exciting and alive, and that knowing it well is absolutely vital in the darkness of today’s world. “ 

What an encouragement it is to hear these contestants share their love for the Word and how the Lord is using it in their lives! May the Lord continue to be glorified in each of their lives and may He be glorified as they compete in the semi finals this year! 

Composed by NBB Alumna: Bekah Leary

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