Meet Victoria Hoverson, one of the members of the 2024 NBB Alumni Service Team!
Here are some quick facts to help you get to know Victoria:
Where she’s from: Minot, North Dakota
Age: 19
NBB Participation: 2013-2022 (Nationals 2015-19, 2021-22, by God’s grace!)
Fun facts: (as many as you would like!)
- She likes to play the violin and piano
- In her free time, she enjoys playing pickleball
- Her dad is a pastor and state legislator
- Three of her favorite people to be with are her adorable two nieces and one nephew
Hi, Victoria! Welcome to the National Bible Bee Blog! Tell us about your NBB journey!
How did your family first become involved in the National Bible Bee?
- Some friends of ours saw an ad for NBB when it first started in a magazine and encouraged my dad to have us participate. A few years later, our whole family went to the NBBC (National Bible Bee Competition) when my brother qualified, and it was after that that I wanted to qualify. Every year of participating in NBB has been such an amazing experience and an incredible way to learn more about God and his Word through NBB. I’m so thankful for it!
How long have you participated in the National Bible Bee?
- I have participated in NBB since I was 8, so a total of 10 years.
Do you have a favorite National Bible Bee theme or study passage from the years you participated?
- I really enjoyed when the study passage was 1 John. It’s such an encouraging book of the Bible to read. I appreciate how much it talks about what Jesus has done for us, and how the impact of that on our lives is always true no matter how much we fall short, doubt or mess up. God is always true, always loving and always forgiving us.
What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
- One of my favorite Bible verses is 2 Corinthians 5:21: “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” This verse really helped me to understand the gospel. Growing up, I knew that Jesus died for me, but I didn’t understand how much he went through by taking the punishment for the sins of the whole world, and covering us with his perfect righteousness. This verse sums that up so well and brings me so much comfort and joy in the gospel every time I think about it or read it!
What have you found to be your favorite ways to study Scripture?
- I have found that I stick with my Bible devotionals and studying best when I have a plan to follow. Whether that is reading through the Bible in a year, going through a book of the Bible, or a devotional book. I also want to get into the habit of memorizing verses again!
Can you share a favorite moment you’ve experienced while studying for NBB or attending the National Bible Bee Competition?
- I was blessed to compete in NBBC with three of my siblings for several years. As the competition got closer, we would often go to our church and set up the microphones and recite through all of our memory passages at once. My brother called it a “memory bomb!”. It felt like a lot of work at the time, but looking back I love the memories of doing that because it felt so rewarding afterwards and it was such a special way to spend time with my family.
What would you say to a participant who is newer to NBB to encourage them?
- I would encourage you to enjoy the process. It is a lot of work, and there are times when you might feel like being done and never studying for NBB again! But you will learn so much about God’s Word. You will have so many verses that will come to your mind, sometimes when you least expect it, and it will be such an encouragement to you. So many memories will be made, whether it’s memories of studying, participating in the host group, or competing at the NBBC. God will use the diligent hours that you have put into studying his Word, and you will experience the rewards of it later on.
Interview by NBB Alumna: Emma Fernandez