Meet Philip Minica, one of the members of the 2024 NBB Alumni Service Team!
Here are some quick facts to help you get to know Philip:
Where he’s from: San Antonio, TX
Age: 20
NBB Participation: 2011-2022 (12 years)
Fun facts:
- Philip has 10 siblings. He has six sisters and four brothers
- He enjoys animals, and owns two dogs, which he has been breeding for three years
- For a few years, he’s been coaching a volleyball team
- Philip shares his baptism date with his mom
- Some of Philip’s hobbies include: Hunting, fishing, reading, sports (volleyball is his favorite), and playing video games
- A recent interest of his has been calisthenics
- He has been working as a carpenter’s apprentice at a remodeling company. His plans for the future include likely staying in construction, and possibly moving into management
Hi Philip! Welcome to the National Bible Bee Blog! Tell us about your NBB journey! How did your family first become involved in the National Bible Bee?
- My mom read about the NBB in a magazine back in 2009. Since then, all of us kids who could, have been doing the summer study every year.
How long have you participated in the National Bible Bee?
- I participated in the summer study and competed for twelve years, from 2011-2022. I qualified for nationals four times.
Wow, that is many years of storing God’s Word in your heart through the National Bible Bee. Do you have a favorite National Bible Bee theme from the years you participated?
- I think my favorite theme was in 2022, when I studied the book of Ruth, and the theme was Redeemed. I really enjoyed the message of that study. God redeems us, just like Boaz redeemed Ruth even when he had no reason to. It’s a good reminder to me to be thankful, because God loves us, and He always will, even though we don’t deserve it.
That’s amazing! The 2022 theme of Redeemed was very impactful as it led participants through a study of God’s incredible love for us and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to redeem us, who cannot not deserve His love and salvation. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
- My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
In the past few years, I’ve gone through some tough times, and God always brings this verse to mind, as an encouragement and a reminder that no matter what happens, He’s got me. What have you found to be your favorite ways to study Scripture?
- I really like studying in a group setting, going over the passage together and making observations. I also enjoy being out in nature by myself, and just relaxing while meditating on a passage.
With many years of being involved in the National Bible Bee, can you share a favorite moment you’ve experienced while studying for NBB or attending the National Bible Bee Competition?
- My most memorable NBB moment has to be at Nationals [NBBC], sitting down with all the other contestants before the opening ceremony, and clapping for the other divisions.
How would you encourage someone who is thinking about participating in the NBB Summer Study this year?
- The National Bible Bee has been one of the most influential parts of my life. Was it fun? Absolutely! Did I feel like quitting sometimes? Yes, but looking back now, I wouldn’t be the same today if it weren’t for the National Bible Bee. All the verses I’ve memorized, even the ones I don’t review any more, are still with me, and God brings them to my mind when I need them.
Interview by NBB Alumna: Emma Fernandez