Clinging to Christ: An Alumni Testimony

January 27, 2021

We hear a lot about people participating in the National Bible Bee, but what are the NBB alumni doing after they can no longer participate?

Anna Moss competed in the National Bible Bee from age twelve to eighteen.  She lives in Tennessee with her parents and six younger brothers, and has plans to move to the Union University campus.  “I’m a sophomore sociology major, and I look forward to being involved in campus ministries, the honors community, and residence life next semester.  After college, I would love to either work in childcare full time or get my Masters in counseling.”

Anna’s time in the NBB helped her to become more disciplined in different parts of her life and has drawn her and her siblings together as they studied together.  She also learned a lot about trusting God even in disappointment.  Through her years in the NBB, she became passionate to study and memorize God’s word to know God more.  “As I memorized Scripture, it filled me with joy and wonder in the One who created me, and my God became my Friend. The more I studied and learned, the more I longed to know God deeply and follow in His ways.”

Now that Anna is an alumna, she has found that it has been much harder to continue memorizing Scripture.  “One thing that I am learning is that different seasons call for different approaches to this. Currently, I read a chapter or two each morning and write a short summary of it; this really helps me to slow down, attend, and understand. This semester, I have really enjoyed listening to books I’ve memorized in the past and quoting along with my audio Bible while I walk. I hadn’t realized how much I missed quoting Scripture! I also put Scripture in places where I will see it often–in my school binder, as my screensaver, on the whiteboard in my room, or even just on my hand. This reminds me to meditate throughout the day, not just during my morning or afternoon Bible time.

“Last year was a very difficult year for me as I dealt with a variety of health problems that seemed to come out of nowhere (praise God, I’m doing much better now!). There were many days when my fatigue was so severe that I couldn’t formulate sentences or would forget halfway through what I was talking about. The amazing thing was that, even when I struggled to communicate my own words, I could speak the words of God. The Scripture that I had memorized the six years before this surrounded me and buoyed me up. 2 Corinthians 4, a chapter I memorized back in 2013, is still one of my favorites, and I felt a sort of camaraderie with Paul as I meditated on it last year. Obviously, his sufferings were much more severe than mine, but I was encouraged that the precious gospel is within this jar of clay so that the glorious power of God may be unmistakable to those who see (v. 7). So, with Paul, I do not lose heart. These small trials that I experience will make the incomparable “eternal weight of glory” even more magnificent.”

One thing Anna would encourage young people is to cling to Christ.  Even in the midst of trials, He is enough. “God loves us so much that He will remove the idols of our hearts so that we will run to Him and find our all in Him. It is not that nothing matters except Christ but that everything matters because of Christ. Our love for and devotion to Him must drive everything else that we do. Because our treasure is Christ, we can pour ourselves out as living sacrifices. We can give of ourselves to others because we are filled in Christ. Our sufficiency is from God (2 Cor. 3:5). As one of my favorite passages says, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psa. 73:25-26). 

“One lesson I have been learning as a young adult living during a worldwide pandemic is to rest in God’s sovereignty. This is one lesson that I keep on thinking I’ve learned, only to find that I must learn it again. I had summer jobs lined up so that I could work 5-6 days a week, but due to the coronavirus, most of my plans have fallen through. I have been reminded so many times of the end of James 4, a passage that teaches that we don’t know what will happen; we are like a mist that vanishes quickly. Instead of being arrogant about my plans, James teaches, I should say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that” (Jas. 4:15). It feels scary to relinquish my hold, but my plans have been in the hand of God all along. I need to rest in this. He loves me so much, and He will accomplish what is best for my good and His glory. So as you make plans for the future, surrender them to God and trust His love.”

Let us be inspired by Anna’s testimony and keep pressing on!

Composed by NBB Alumna: Abigail Charleston

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