"Oral Recitation Round." Do those words fill you with excitement and anticipation or a sense of impending doom? Whether you're a veteran of the National Bible Bee Competition (NBBC) or a first time qualifier, the Oral Recitation Round of the competition can be...
Highlights from the Summer Study
Young people all over the country have just completed the 2019 Summer Study, with the theme of "Worship". They have tasted God's Word through studying and memorizing. Below are just a few of the participants sharing some ways they have seen that the Lord is good this...
Three Reasons to Memorize
Why is it so important to memorize Bible verses? That’s a great question to ask. There are many reasons to memorize the Bible, but here are three reasons why memorizing verses will change your life! Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I...
Overcoming the Unexpected
National Bible Bee Alumni, Holly Ciampi (20), is a Christian writer, filmmaker, entrepreneur and musician. She resides in the warm Grand Canyon state with her wonderful parents and with her super six siblings. Of the eight years she participated in the National Bible...
Developing a Study Plan
Throughout the summer there are always many distractions that try to take us away from studying God’s word. Whether your goal is to win the National Bible Bee or just memorize one new verse, the time spent in God’s word will not return void! But while studying for the...
Testimony: The Ultimate Goal is Serving Christ
Isabella Morganthal shares her testimony with us and explains how the impact that studying and memorizing God’s Word has made in both her teen and adult years. Isabella is a self-published author, creative arts director, writing coach, and National Bible Bee alumna....
Passion for the Next Generation
“O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.” Psalm 71:17-18...