After the National Bible Bee Competition, you may feel a sense of relief as any stress from studying and memorizing for the competition has come to an end, culminating in an exciting event where scripture recitation and knowledge, fellowship with believers, and old...
Who and What is Truth, and What Does it Mean for Our Lives?
“What is Truth?” (John 18:38) This question, spoken by Pontius Pilate as he interrogated Jesus, is one that still stumps the world today. Easton’s Bible Dictionary and Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words define truth in this way: "the reality lying at...
Christ: The True and Better David
Christ, the true and better David, lowly shepherd, mighty King He the champion in the battle, where, o death, is now thy sting? In our place He bled and conquered, crown Him Lord of Majesty His shall be the throne forever, we shall e're His people be This final verse...
Christ: The True and Better Moses
Christ, the true and better Moses, called to lead a people home Standing bold to earthly powers, God's great glory to be known With his arms stretched wide to heaven, see the waters part in two See the veil is torn forever, cleansed with blood we pass now through...
Christ: The True and Better Isaac
Christ, the true and better Isaac, humble son of sacrifice Who would climb the fearful mountain, there to offer up his life Laid with faith upon the altar, Father's joy and only son There salvation was provided—oh, what full and boundless love! Thus runs the second...
Christ: The True and Better Adam
Christ the true and better Adam, Son of God and Son of man Who, when tempted in the garden, never yielded, never sinned He who makes the many righteous, brings us back to life again Dying, He reversed the curse, then rising, crushed the serpent's head In this verse of...
Learning about Christ: The True and Better
When Jesus came to earth as the Messiah, He came as the fulfillment of more than 400 prophecies. Additionally, numerous individuals in Scripture foreshadowed Who Jesus would be and what He would do. These people can be called a 'type of Christ'. Jesus fulfilled these...