In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.” -John 1:1-4...
What is Truth? An Overview of John 12-20
Already, summer has gone by, and our study of “Truth” through the Discovery Journal has come to a close. It is our hope that participants, families, and hosts have gleaned a greater understanding of the scriptures studied and been blessed by this summer study, growing...
How to Memorize Longer Bible Passages
Those of you who participated in the National Bible Bee Competition this year have spent the last three months studying a lot of Scripture, as well as memorizing several Bible passages. And now you have received the memory passages for the national level of the NBBC....
Never Stop Learning: Encouragement after the Summer Study
We are about a month out from when we found out the results for the NBBC Qualifying Test. For those of you who did not qualify, right now you might be feeling disappointment that you are not one of those that are studying hard for the NBBC, or maybe you are feeling...
Abiding in God: 2024 Summer Devotional
Last month we looked at some of the summer study passages. Today we will go through the rest of them, looking at context and key points. John 15:5-9 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for...
A Christ-Centered Approach to the Bible: An Alumni Interview
Congratulations to all National Bible Bee (NBB) participants who have made it over half-way through the Summer Study! God’s Word is so precious, and all the time you have spent and will spend this summer studying is having an eternal impact on your life even now. This...
Truth and Life: 2024 Summer Devotional
During the summer study, National Bible Bee participants will be memorizing passages of Scripture, along with studying their Discovery Journal and study passage. Today we’ll go through some of these passages, looking at context, to see what we can glean from them....