A Stepping Stone to Knowing Jesus More

April 1, 2019

Today we are blessed to have Ellen Lawrence share her testimony with us. Ellen participated in the first year of the National Bible Bee in 2009 and won 3rd place in the Senior division.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

“A little bit about me: I live in Texas, I love all things outdoors, science, sports (especially ultimate frisbee), and dessert. I currently work as an academic advisor, but am taking steps toward a career change to physical therapy.”

What are some of your passions and goals for the future?

“I am pursuing a career change, with a DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) as the end goal. I also will be playing and traveling with a club ultimate frisbee team this summer. But ultimately, my goal is to pursue Jesus and follow where He leads, whether that’s in my career, my relationships, or my pastimes.”

What advice can you give to a young person who is starting to think about their future?

“Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” You just never know what God may have in store for you – but it probably won’t be exactly what you expect. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan, but it does mean you should focus wholeheartedly on knowing Him, so that you’re ready to move with Him when He moves and follow where He leads, like the children of Israel were called to follow the cloud by day and fire by night. When it stopped, they stopped; when it moved, they moved. It can be difficult and intimidating to make decisions about your future and figure out “what you want to do when you grow up”. But seek Him first, and He will make your path straight. In addition – never let fear or pride stop you from exploring options, asking questions, and taking steps.”

What is your favorite memory from the National Bible Bee?

“My NBB experience was such a blur! But my favorite memories were tied to meeting so, so many different people who encouraged me and cheered me on, even though they had only just met me that day.”

How did the time you spent studying for NBB impact you?

“I think one of the biggest, lasting impacts of NBB has been in my prayer life. Memorizing so much Scripture completely changed the way that I pray. Now, I am able to draw on the Word of God so much more, instead of just my own little words that feel so weak.”

How do you prioritize God’s Word in your life now?

“God’s Word is the first place I turn for clarity, guidance, direction, and encouragement. I spend time in it every day, and find that it comes to mind in situations without having to open the cover due to having memorized various passages – but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to keep opening the cover. There is always, always something deeper, and the National Bible Bee is a stepping stone on the adventure of knowing Jesus more.”

Learn more about how you can get involved at biblebee.org/summer-study

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