What is Truth? An Overview of John 12-20

September 25, 2024

Already, summer has gone by, and our study of “Truth” through the Discovery Journal has come to a close. It is our hope that participants, families, and hosts have gleaned a greater understanding of the scriptures studied and been blessed by this summer study, growing in relationship with the Lord and His Word. After completing this study, you have an answer to the intriguing question asked by Pontius Pilate in John 18:38–”What is truth?”–and hopefully have a well-formed answer backed by the Scriptures to proclaim to others what you have found.

The many truths dug into through this year’s summer study are drawn directly from the inspired Word of God, and will help build a stronger faith to testify to the world of what the Lord has done for us and the truth about who He is. The Discovery Journal took a deeper look at the life of Jesus, specifically during the events of holy week leading up to his death and resurrection as recorded in John 12-17 and 20. In each of the chapters focused on during the summer study, there was one main truth studied about our God in the Discovery Journal. Let’s take a moment to recap what was learned about God’s character throughout this year’s passage!

John 12 – He is the King

Jesus is king above all, symbolized by his Triumphal Entry. While he is supreme and reigns above all, he is not a militaristic ruler, but a humble and peaceful ruler. He did not come to lead an army or overthrow the kings of the earth, but introduce a higher and more powerful kingdom than any on earth–the kingdom of heaven.

John 13 – He is the Servant

Jesus sets an example for all his followers to have a servant-hearted attitude towards others. He gives a new commandment to show us that in order to be his true disciples, we must love one another. In performing a selfless act such as washing his disciples feet, he demonstrates what brotherly love really looks like and gives us a blueprint to follow when declaring his salvation on earth. Like in John 12, Jesus is pictured as a humble and gentle king, who is willing to serve others, though it is considered too far “below his station.” He does not shy away from declaring the truth or sharing rebuke out of love, but still holds his arms open for all who wish to turn to him, repent, and become his disciples.

John 14 – He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

In this chapter, Jesus outrightly mentions himself as the truth. Within God there is no falsehood or deceivement, but He is the full embodiment of truth. When one finds Jesus, they have found the way to life, and God’s truth is what sets us free. (John 8:32)

John 15 – He is the True Vine

Jesus is the true vine, who holds all the branches fast together. His role as the true vine is similar to his role as the head of the body, the church (Colossians 1:18). Christ is over all and above all, and the Lord delights in those who hold fast to him as part of the body (the vine, as in John 15) and bear fruit.

What you have been doing this summer study–learning and memorizing God’s Word, and building a greater relationship with our Savior–is a great example of what we can do to follow His will for us in bearing abundant fruit. We must abide in Him and keep striving to know Him more, so that we can share the goodness of the Lord and the truth with others, and thus bear more fruit!

John 16 – He is Our Comforter

The Holy Spirit is our comforter through all the trials and tribulations we may face in the world. It is God’s will that we should be joyful amidst our suffering, and we are to take heart that He has overcome the world (John 16:33)! Although Jesus returned to his Heavenly Father, we are still left with a Helper who is always nearby. We have a way to be close to the Lord though we are on this earth.

No matter what we face here on earth, we must always remember to look toward heaven, as we have someone there upon whom we can cast our cares (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22), rather than looking towards earthly ways to satisfy ourselves and seeking to gain the approval of others. The Holy Spirit is designed to be our comforter and helper–seek refuge in the Lord and take comfort in all His promises!

John 17 – He is Our Intercessor

While Jesus did ascend to his Father in heaven, he still is involved in caring for his children, and displays the love he has for us by interceding at the right hand of his Father. Jesus prays fervently for us and makes requests known to the Lord, as he demonstrates in the High Priestly Prayer of John 17.

We are also given the privilege of calling out to God at any time of need through prayer and supplication, and are often given the exhortation throughout the Scriptures to pray diligently and without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16), not only when faced with challenges, but also when needing to praise the Lord and give thanks to Him in any circumstance (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

John 20 – He is the Conqueror of Death

Jesus, God’s only Son, came to save us, though we did not deserve to be set free from sin and death. He conquered death on the cross and rose again on the third day, giving us the greatest gift we could ever receive–salvation. He defeated the grave and by his sacrifice, we are also given freedom from death and eternal despair. This is the ultimate revealing of God’s love for us, that we should not perish but repent, believe, and have eternal life (John 3:16)!

By studying the truth of the gospel, we are building our faith and creating opportunities to witness to others and share the truths we have come to understand, so that others, too, can receive the gift of salvation! Jesus has given us victory over sin and death, and has overcome the world! Praise the Lord for revealing these wonderful truths about his perfect nature through these chapters!

Hopefully in reading over these powerful truths studied over the summer, we are all more fully equipped to know and understand God’s Word and character more than we did before, so much more so that we can go out and share these truths with others, and proclaim His Word!

Nothing learned from Scripture is learned in vain. Remember that no matter the results of the competition, all glory is the Lord’s, and He takes pleasure in His children striving to learn about Him and grow closer to Him through the Scriptures! Whether you are studying for the National Bible Bee Competition or are moving towards studying other parts of Scripture, may your studies be blessed, and may you grow in finding more wonderful truths about our amazing God!

Written by NBB Alumna: Emma Fernandez

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