Six Tips on Studying for the National Bible Bee Competition

August 21, 2024

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the summer study and qualified for the National Bible Bee Competition! All of a sudden, you have hundreds of new verses to memorize and a new study passage, with no Discovery Journal, no cross-reference list, and no layout detailing what the preliminary round test (the Multiple Choice Test) questions are going to look like. Even though this may seem overwhelming, because of all the time spent learning how to study and memorize the Word of God through the Discovery Journal, you already have so many important tools you’ll be needing to study for the Multiple Choice Test.

Here’s some tips and encouragement for getting you started with studying for the National Bible Bee Competition.

Review the study tools and methods in the Discovery Journal: Many of the resources that you will find helpful as you study this fall are materials that are mentioned in the Discovery Journal, such as the many Bible dictionaries and interlinear settings to find Greek words and important information that were used throughout the summer study. Also, notice how historical context, archeological evidence of Biblical events, and geographical information was studied in this year’s Discovery Journal, and make note of the types of things you should study this fall.

Create a layout of what needs to be focused on: The amount of memory verses and studying to be completed can definitely be overwhelming, especially at the beginning of Nationals season when deciding what to do first. Make a list of what needs to be done and label according to priority. This can be as little or as much detailed as you would like. Memorizing memory passages, studying the new study passage, learning Greek words, and finding important cross-reference are all things that can be included.

Make a schedule with clear goals: You’ll want to keep yourself accountable, and organizing goals which include “deadlines” can be a great way to motivate yourself and stay on track. Keep in mind that your goals and schedules will look different than others’, and that is okay! Writing daily to-do lists with smaller goals that lead to larger accomplishments over the next week or month will make it so much easier to stay on a good pace. Remember to create time for lots of review, as well!

Start small and work your way up: It’s easy to make big goals at the beginning of the Nationals season for yourself, and not know where to begin. When creating goals and setting your own expectations, separate your biggest milestones into smaller checkpoints along the way. Completing more tasks in a shorter amount of time is more motivating and encouraging than taking a while to complete a large, tough goal.

Find others to help you along the way: Whether this is a parent, sibling, or friend, having someone to share your achievements and struggles with is incredibly uplifting. If you know other National qualifiers, or have friends who just want to study along with you, set up some study meetings to review, learn new things, or just pray and share what you have learned through your studies. While studying individually and in a quiet place is most productive for some, others thrive on group studying and feel more motivated with others nearby to keep you accountable. Not to mention, studying with others and sharing the Word of God with one another is uplifting and encouraging. There will always be someone to help you and encourage you through your National Bible Bee studying.

Take advantage of the online community of NBB families: The online social community provided to registered National Bible Bee participants, their families, and hosts always contains a wealth of information. Not only are there study materials, resources, and tips shared, but there are many people willing to help answer any questions and give study advice, or just share their own experiences and build one another up! 

As always, remember the real reason for the National Bible Bee Competition – to grow closer in a relationship with our Lord, build a deeper understanding of His Word, and share and proclaim the truth of His Word to others. This is the biggest goal and accomplishment you could ever have studying for the National Bible Bee Competition. Keep persevering and keep your eyes on the true prize!

Written by NBB Alumna: Emma Fernandez

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